On 24th March 2011 the Senate agreed to a motion from Senator Rachel Siewert (Greens, WA) that the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health Services be referred to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee. The special arrangements under Section 100 of the National Health Act have provided a bulk supply scheme with no value added component from a pharmacist.
Three reviews of the scheme in 2004 (Kelaher) 2006 (Urbis) and 2010 (Nova Policy) have failed to produce any significant improvement in the quality use of medicines by Aboriginal clients of health services.
A matter of equity
The matter to be reviewed by the Senate Committee is a matter of justice, fairness and equity particularly relevant at a time when Closing the Gap is so much in the headlines and remote living Aboriginal people are dying at such a young age.
After three reviews of the Section 100 supply arrangements little change has occurred. The Senate Inquiry should be able to identify what needs to be improved and which agency should be responsible for making it happen. The involvement of pharmacists in this process should be a leading principle.
Inequities for remote Aboriginal Health Services (AHS) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) include:
- Over the ten years the scheme has been in place there has been no money made available to the Aboriginal Health Services to develop their own pharmaceutical care program.
- Recording of outgoing supplies (dispensing) by any electronic process incorporating scanning is absent and hand written labels are the norm.
- While the PBS pays a dispensing fee ($6.42) to pharmacies in all situations under Section 85 (mainstream) there is no fee paid for the dispensing carried out at Aboriginal Health Services.
- The PBS saves $3.68 every time a PBS medicine is dispensed to a remote living Aboriginal person. A handling fee of $2.74 is paid to the supplying Approved Pharmacy for the bulk supply but no dispensing fee is paid to the AHS.
- Mainstream Australians have access to a pharmacist (by law) in every pharmacy in Australia when a PBS prescription is dispensed. No such facility is available to an Aboriginal patient of an AHS or to a person trained by a pharmacist to inform them of the nature of the medicine prescribed.
- No data is analysed to assist in decision making towards improved medicine utilisation across States and regional boundaries.
Closing date for Submissions is 30th June 2011.
The Terms of Reference seek comment on a range of issues. The full text of the Motion agreed to by the Senate follows:
The effectiveness of the special arrangements established in 1999 under section 100 of the National Health Act 1953, for the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines to remote area Aboriginal Health Services, with particular reference to:
(a) whether these arrangements adequately address barriers experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in remote areas of Australia in accessing essential medicines through the PBS;
(b) the clinical outcomes achieved from the measure, in particular to improvements in patient understanding of, and adherence to, prescribed treatment as a result of the improved access to PBS medicines;
(c) the degree to which the ‘quality use of medicines’ has been achieved including the amount of contact with a pharmacist available to these patients compared to urban Australians;
(d) the degree to which state/territory legislation has been complied with in respect to the recording, labelling and monitoring of PBS medicines;
(e) the distribution of funding made available to the program across the Approved Pharmacy network compared to the Aboriginal Health Services obtaining the PBS medicines and dispensing them on to its patients;
(f) the extent to which Aboriginal Health Workers in remote communities have sufficient educational opportunities to take on the prescribing and dispensing responsibilities given to them by the PBS bulk supply arrangements;
(g) the degree to which recommendations from previous reviews have been implemented and any consultation which has occurred with the community controlled Aboriginal health sector about any changes to the program;
(h) access to PBS generally in remote communities; and
(i) any other related matters.
Question agreed to.
Any person or organisation requiring further background to the Inquiry or assistance with the writing of a submission can contact Rollo Manning at rollom@iinet.net.au or 0411 049 872.
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