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03 July 2005

Bio - Rollo Manning

Rollo Manning has had over 50 years of life time experiences through work, education, relaxation and travel that have allowed him to develop some well rounded views on a variety of subjects in current affairs. From sport and sex to Aboriginal life in Australia and health promoting practices, he has lived a life of memorable experiences.
As a writer Rollo has carved out a niche commenting on rugby football and occasionally steering to other sports. A book is well under way describing the players who submitted to the opportunity to move from the amateur rugby to the professional rugby league after the second world’s war.
Rollo is a regular contributor to http://www.e-sportsmediagroup.com/
The practice of pharmacy has been his main money earner and this too has come under some scrutiny through his articles in the e-zine Pharmacy i2P at http://www.i2p.com.au/.
In more recent years his interest in Aboriginal health in the Northern Territory of Australia has inspired him to try harder to make an equal opportunity for the two cultures. His writing in this area is posted in his own “blog” that can be accessed from the site http://www.rollomanning.com/.